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Sarcophagus with Christian Themes (left side of front)

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Double-register Christian sarcophagus from the basilica of San Sebastiano.

Entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11:8, Luke 19:36, Matthew 21:8)
Adam and Eve (Genesis)
Moses receives the Law (Exodus 31:18)
Portrait of the deceased man and woman

Peter strikes a rock, producing water to baptize his jailers (apocryphal)
Arrest of Peter (apocryphal)
Prediction of Peter's denial (Matthew 26:57, Mark 14:53, Luke 22:54, John 18:13)
Daniel with lions, angel, and Habakkuk (apocryphal - Bel and the Dragon, Chapter 30)

Vatican Inv. 31551

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Copyright 2007 by William Storage and Laura Maish

Use your arrow keys to navigate between image pages.    Page created 11/6/2007





Keywords: ancient Rome, iconography, archaeology, imperial portraiture, emperor